An Art Safari at Lion Sands Ivory Lodge

French artist Gisèle Bonin has been exploring her art further on our Artist Residency.

Gisèle lives and works in Angers, France. A graduate in classical music and modern literature, she also holds an advanced diploma in plastic arts from the Ecole des Beaux Arts. Since 2005, she has taken part in numerous exhibitions and her work is part of private and museum collections, as well as the subject of numerous critical studies.

She focuses on the observation of the human body, fragmenting it and modifying the scales of representation, staging it in positions that express anonymous intimacies, secret personal histories, and identities. Her technique uses classic tools such as charcoal, sanguine, coloured pencil or graphite.

Gisele expressed her excitement to be part of the Artist Residency at Lion Sands Ivory Lodge, with these words, “This residency allows me to discover a place I've always dreamed of - the bush, and the exceptional wildlife that inhabits it. These conditions are particularly fruitful for my drawing work, to which I am able to devote myself entirely. I'll finish works in progress and take advantage of the human and natural environment of Lion Sands to develop my current research or broaden it, depending on the place and the people I'll have the opportunity to meet.”

As the weeks have passed, guests have been able to engage with Gisèle on her process and her unfolding creations.

The Artist Residency brings artists into a creative space where they can focus on their craft, while connecting with an appreciative audience. A gallery/studio is situated within Ivory Lodge and becomes home for weeks at a time where artists, new and established, can draw unparalleled inspiration from their location and wildlife sightings to create new pieces, while also showcasing their work.

Artists are arranged in partnership with Southern African Foundation for Contemporary Art (SAFFCA)

Contact should you be interested in purchasing any artwork from our featured artists at Lion Sands Ivory Lodge

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